Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm working from home today due to having what seems to be the nasty ol' piggy flu :(
Carter is at mom's and I miss him. It is really weird being home and not having him here with me. It's funny the one time I am home alone, I'm sick and can't use the time to clean or do all that "never have time for stuff" due to a complete lack of energy. My fingers even ache as I type but I think that as much of a loner as I have always claimed to be, I have gotten so used to talking to someone that I have to have some type of social interaction every few hours.
The girls at the office would probably love to strangle me right about now. I've had several text messages and a handful of phone calls from them about the surgical cases but they seem to be handling everything well without me. Travis took me to the office at 545am so that I could lay everything out for the day with step by step instructions on each case. I would have sucked it up and went in and worked but I'm not about to take the chance of letting anyone catch this icky flu. It is miserable. I'm going on about 2 hours of sleep. I know what you are thinking. She says she's achy, hasn't had hardly any sleep, home alone...why doesn't she just lay down? Well, if I lay down, the phone will ring or I'll begin coughing repetively so I must sit up and keep myself busy, hence the fabulous world of blogging ;)

On a different note, my husband is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. He has been reading the Bible and getting stronger in his walk with God and it's such a blessing. He was a complete sweetheart before but now it's even more intensified. He is so sweet with Carter too. He makes him his own little fruit plates all chopped up so cute and packs his bag with  certain little snacks. He knows that Carter will eat exactly 4 crackers per half serving of vegetable beef.  He always seems to have more energy than I do. He will chase Carter around and play for hours. He's such a good daddy and husband. I couldn't ask for more.

My body won't stop aching so I guess I will try to lay down now. We will see how it goes.....


ChaNikki Imagery said...

so sad to hear that girl! I'll be praying for recovery and that little carter doesn't get it! Hope you get well soon!

Tanya said...

Hoping you get well soon soon. You will be in my prayers...