Saturday, May 16, 2009

What not to do...

I have learned quite a bit this week. Let me share all of my hard earned knowledge with you lovely people.

Ahhheehem...(Clears Throat)...

I learned on Monday night that you do not throw away a receipt that you husband tells you specifically to not throw away. Also, telling your husband that you didn't even know that you threw it away doesn't help the situation and cannot really be used to justify you throwing it away. At the end of the day you still kinda cost him $400.00 and now own a total of 3 Xboxes....which reminds me, if anyone wants to buy an xbox, just let me know, I got ya covered.

On Wednesday I learned that I need to be more aggressive when it comes to getting our office sprayed for spiders. I noticed some small spiders around the office and told the company that we lease from that they needed to have someone spray but they did not feel that it was bad enough and some spiders are normal, then I started noticing a few at least once a week. I told them again but never heard anything back.
Carter was sitting there quietly pretending to read his book when along came a spider, sat down beside him....and bit his ankle. It got all swollen but he never once reacted to it. Dr. Eastham said he was fine and gave me a steroid cream to place on it. Another lesson I learned that evening was that Benadryl makes Carter hyper. Hyper as in stays awake all night talking jibberish non stop (which was super sweet) and goes (BRRRRRRRRRRBBBBRRRRR) with his lips over and over and over and get the point...

(Now for this next part of the story, I warn you, if you have a soft spot for spiders, you will want to jump on to the next paragraph and skip this section)

On Thursday, I went back to the office and when I came around the corner to grab a file off of my desk, this spider came running towards me, I moved a few feet over and he changed his direction the same as I had. This little guy was coming for me. I moved again to the left, he stopped, (I'm pretty sure he made some eye contact at this point just trying to intimidate me, but I stood my he then presumed running towards me again. I decided by this little guy's aggressive nature that he was more than likely the culprit who bit my precious little baby. So, Momma got some vindication and when the little spidey got too close for comfort, momma put the smack down on him. Of course if I'm wrong then maybe one of his little friends witnessed the following and will go back and let it be known that fun time is over. Travis said that the little spidey was a victim of a "hate crime", and that he was probably framed. The little guy that did do it probably gassed him up to "be a man spider" and he was thrown to the lions (The lion being me)...but I assured him, I could see the guilt in his eyes....

On Thursday I learned that I cannot take multi-tasking too far anymore. I have an awful habit of doing way too much at once and then not being able to keep track of everything. Example, I see a burp cloth sitting on the couch, I grab it up to put in the laundry room. As I walk away from the couch I see a bottle lid and some papers that need to be filed away. I walk into the kitchen to put the bottle lid in the sink, I see some ribbon and some more mail on the kitchen table that needs to be put away too so I grab that stuff, throw the bottle lid in the sink, and head down the hall. As I am about to go into the laundry room, I think, I bet there's some dirty clothes in the bedroom because Travis changed clothes earlier so I go on in the bedroom. Before I can put away laundry, I need to get some stuff out of my hands so I put the ribbon up and think about how i need to go through the papers before filing them all away because i don't want to file anything away that needs to stay out. Carter starts crying because he has realized mommy left him all alone with 100 toys to play with, the tv going, and his sippy cup So I play peek-a-boo at the doorway to calm him down...he starts down the hall to come see what I'm up to. I grab up the dirty clothes, meet him half-way, throw a load in and then he helps me fold towels.
Now, it is the next day, I'm at the office working. Travis calls and says, "Where is the title to the black car?"...I tell him to check the black "paper holder thingy" on the white cabinet, I put it in there the other day. He calls back, No, that's for the White Integra...hmm...I tell him to look on my desk in the other "paper thingy". He already checked there....So then I tell him to check the filing cabinet (where everything should have been anyway, instead of in all these paper holder thingies) He goes to my file "CAR TITLES" (it would be so easy if I would always, always, always use my system)'s not there. I tell him, I'll be home in an hour and I'll find it. When I get home I go through everywhere I told him to look first. Not there. I check everywhere I usually put stuff then it hits me, "where did that stack of papers I took off the table yesterday go?"......I have no idea.
Travis says, "I had it on the kitchen table yesterday, it has to be here somewhere....did you throw it away like you did the receipt?" (Touche')
I tell him "Of Course not..I know not to throw a title away. I grabbed the stack of papers off the table to go through them and file them away"
My very logical husband comes back with, "why did you not just go through them at the table"......
Why did I not just go through them at the table. Why did I carry them off to no where land? Did I stick them in with a load of laundry? Of Course not! Who would accidentally do that?..No, the clothes are all hung up and there wasn't any wadded up/shredded green paper stuck to any of Travis's shirts....hmm, Check the trash can, Nope, took the trash off already. If I did throw it away, it's gone....ugh my stomache is starting to hurt. I'm frustrated at myself. The need to always have everything put up in it's place gets me in more trouble and more unorganized. Sometimes i think I should just leave everything where it falls. I tell him very confidently, "I'll go find it, I think i know where it is"...I knew where it was alright, It was somewhere where I had no idea where it was!...i do my weekly desperation talk with God. I tell him, "Lord, I've done it again. You know how I am. I know there are so so many way more important needs out there but I ask you to just guide me to where ever I stuck Travis's papers" I take a deep breath and start looking around the desk. Then I go into our bedroom, travis calls out down the hall, "You need to put your necklace up, Carter is trying to get it", I go retrieve the necklace off the bookshelf, go back to the bedroom, put it up. My feet are cold so I open up the sock drawer to get my socks. Where are my soft fussy socks? I never wear them but today would be a good fussy sock day. I'm feeling like a failure, throwing everything away, misplacing stuff. I'm starting to feel sorry for myself and I cannot find my fussy socks...urgh. I can't keep up with anything. Oh, I remember, I put them on the shoe holder behind the door. I had a few empty holders beside the ribbon. I pull open the door to get them and there it is! Not just the fussy socks but the papers, in a holder beside the holder that holds my ribbon. It may all be coincidental but I'm giving all the credit to God. As far as I'm concerned, he let my feet get cold to lead me to that title. I never wear those fussy socks and never think to wear them unless I see them. So yeah, I'm thanking God for that one. On to my point, Do you see what I do to myself? I'm a mess. All those organizer holders on the back of my doors, my filing cabinet, my "paper holder thingies" I am the most unorganized-organized person I know.

I also learned yesterday that I can't only drive a 5 speed once ever 4 months. I had an interesting venture to and from the office yesterday. I accidentally burned rubber 4 times at redlights and a car got right on my rear at a redlight....not good. I need a sign to hang on the back window that says, "watch out, she doesn't know how to drive this thing". I made it to town and back in one piece though and the car never died. I just drive like a 16 year old boy that's trying to get everyone's attention because I'm so cool in my cool car but in reality, I can't get my gas, brake, clutch ratio syncronized. So if you see me driving a car instead of the Rav...for your own safety...MOVE out of the way and don't honk, it distracts me! LOL
I'm hopeful I won't have any hard lessons to learn next week.
Love to All. Enjoy your weekend! xoxo


Veronica Stepien said...

I am laughing right now. That sounds so much like me. I go from room to room doing that same thing. It takes me forever to get my house straighteded and cleaned. I once drove a shick shift nissan truck from Shelbyvilled Rd. to Aquatech with the emergency brake on the whole way. Couldn't figure out why that stupid truck kept hesitating. i think that was the last time I drove one. Several years ago!!

~Kim~ said...

Bless your heart! You sure have had a week, huh. I hope this next week is better for you! Is Carter's ankle doing ok from his bite?

As for the stick shift goes, I *almost* peed my pants when I was trying to teach my BFF to drive mine when we were in high school, lol. We laughed SO HARD that night! We still talk about it, HA!

Kellie said...

I love your "holder thingies". :)