Saturday, January 24, 2009


Here's some pics of our "Little Watermelon" as his daddy calls him...
I'm loving bathtime in the kitchen sink. SO much better than leaning over that tub. Carter is loving it too. What else has been great about it is that once bathtime is over, I can just go ahead and mop since he LOVES to splash water EVERYWHERE.


Blessings Of Life! said...

That is so cute!!! I miss giving my girls baths in the kitchen sink. I wish they were still that better soak it all in, it won't last long.

Anonymous said...

look at the beautiful chunk of cuteness!!!! He is sooo adorable I just love him!! I cant wait to have one of my own! your so great with carter you better be there when I have one!! love you!!

Paige Todd said...

he is just the cutest little man i have ever seen!