Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

My Brother's Family...what I find super sweet is Natalie met Chris when she was around Naomi's age and we all grew up together. To think if I hadn't of talked her into getting off the bus at my house (without our parents consent) then they may have not met for atleast another week or two (we went to a really small school)...I guess I really can't take credit for them meeting. It would've happened sooner or later.
~Proud Daddy~

~Our Little Graduate growing up SO fast~


Paige Todd said...

Their kids are so cute!

Tanya said...

Oh my gosh!!! Natalie is like one of my very best friends!!! I love her!! I didn't know you were Chris's sister... Wow!! Small world! That is such a great picture of them! Has Nat seen it?